How long to stay on the Peak of Mt Kilimanjaro?!

Uhuru Peak is the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro at an altitude of 5,895m (19,340 ft) above sea level. It is the highest point in all Africa, popularly known as “The Roof of Africa”. Lots of people become so emotional after they reach the top of Kilimanjaro since it is the most things they wish to attain and make it to be all what they want. 

People tend to forget all the pains and hardships they went through on the way as soon as they reach Uhuru Peak. Everything becomes easy to everyone and  the moments turns to Laughter, smiles, some fun jumping for joy all around but the question is still there “how long to stay at Uhuru Peak?”No doubt that everyone would wish to stay very long since Kilimanjaro summit is the target of all Kilimanjaro climbers. 

The Uhuru Peak can frequently be crowded especially during the best time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro when lots of people aims at summit point and of often make it with the sunrise experiences. By being so crowded, sometimes it requires waiting to get your turn for your Mount Kilimanjaro summit photo which can be one of the reasons for delaying at the Uhuru Peak.

Frankly speaking, the condition of body becomes the first indicator to give us an idea of how long to stay at Uhuru peak (Kilimanjaro summit).

Apart from the fact that Kilimanjaro summit (Uhuru Peak) is at very high altitude, there are some people who managed to stay there extraordinarily.

The higher the body is in bad condition, less time recommended to spend at Uhuru Peak. Even though the body might be in a good condition but one has to keep in mind Uhuru Peak is at very high altitude which is not safe for our health. So basically no much time is needed to stay at the Kilimanjaro summit (Uhuru Peak), as long as no many actives are to be done and in fact only taking Kilimanjaro summit photos in front of the big screen written Uhuru Peak is the main activity which requires only some seconds.

For sure, it is very dangerous to remain at that high altitude for a long time and this will force guides to escort you back as soon as possible towards either Gilman’s or Stella Points and later on to the basic camp for a short rest then descend further down to lower altitudes which are more safer for our health.