A true and everlasting LOVE from the hornbill birds

With the fact that bird’s males are more beautiful than females still most of the birds are monogamous.They choose and live with their single partner till death.Hornbills are one of such species with a distinct love story. Hornbills are known for it beautiful strong “horn like” bent bills.They live with with their single chosen patners till death.

Yellow-billed hornbill

It’s a responsibility of a female to pick up home and so female checks the cavities on a tall tree based on food availability and safety.After the female has picked the nest and sheds her feathers to make it well, they undergo an interesting breeding habit which is full of love to show.

A female hornbill locks herself within the cavity by covering the opening with mud, barks, excreta and saliva with the help of a male.They leave a small opening to share the food and a protection  from predators. A male hornbill collect food for female and the young ones.Once a male gets food while flying here and there has come back and share the food to the female and young ones through the small hole at the cavity

This job of providing food is done by the hornbill male in the period of up-to four months.It is really an intense job because the male is the sole provider and the only means of survival for his partner and their young ones.He will really take care of the well being of his family,flying day in and day out or a couple of times in a day just to make sure they have enough.

A male hornbill as a sole-provider

To the hornbill birds family means everythig.Mammy and Dady hornbills will alwsys keep their young ones very close.They eat together,fly together and sleep together.

So in that time if something bad happens to the hornbill Dady, then the whole family dies as a remainder the hornbill female sheds her feathers to make a nest and since they are in the bark of the tree and they won’t be coming out, eventually they will all die.

Its for the best we love all animals and birds created by God , as they all serve a purpose in this Earth ,Just like us and moreover learn from them on how to love our patners ,be responsble parents and love our families and whole.